TitelOriginaltitelDarstellerRegieJahrDer ewige Gärtner | The Constant Gardener | Ralph Fiennes, | Rachel Weisz Fernando Meirelles | 2005 | Ewige Jugend | Youth | Michael Caine, | Harvey Keitel Paolo Sorrentino | 2015 | Das ewige Leben | - | Josef Hader, | Tobias Moretti Wolfgang Murnberger | 2015 | Die ewigen Momente der Maria Larsson | Maria Larssons Eviga Ögonblick | Maria Heiskanen, | Jesper Christensen Jan Troell | 2008 | Ex-Machina | Ex-Machina | Domhnall Gleeson, | Oscar Isaac Alex Garland | 2014 | Die Ex-Freundinnen meines Freundes | Little Black Book | Holly Hunter, | Brittany Murphy Nick Hurran | 2004 | Exil | Exils | Romain Duris, | Lubna Azabal Tony Gatlif | 2004 | Exil | Exil | Misel Maticevic, | Sandra Hüller Visar Morina | 2020 | Existenz | eXistenZ | Jennifer Jason Leigh, | Jude Law David Cronenberg | 1999 | Exit Marrakech | - | Ulrich Tukur, | Samuel Schneider Caroline Link | 2013 | Exit Wounds - Die Copjäger | Exit Wounds | Steven Seagal, | DMX Andrzej Bartkowiak | 2001 | Exodus | Exodus | Paul Newman, | Eva Marie Saint Otto Preminger | 1960 | Exodus: Götter und Könige | Exodus | Christian Bale, | Joel Edgerton Ridley Scott | 2014 | The Exorcist: Deceiver | The Exorcist: Deceiver | David Gordon Green | 2025 | Der Exorzismus von Emily Rose | The Exorcism Of Emily Rose | Laura Linney, | Campbell Scott Scott Derrickson | 2005 | Der Exorzist | The Exorcist | Linda Blair, | Max von Sydow William Friedkin | 1973 | Der Exorzist. Bekenntnis | The Exorcist. Believer | Leslie Odom jr., | Ellen Burstyn David Gordon Green | 2023 | Exorzist: Der Anfang | Exorcist: The Beginning | Stellan Skarsgard, | Gabriel Mann Renny Harlin | 2004 | The Expendables | The Expendables | Sylvester Stallone, | Jet Li Sylvester Stallone | 2010 | The Expendables 2 | The Expendables 2 | Sylvester Stallone, | Bruce Willis Sylvester Stallone | 2012 | The Expendables 3 | The Expendables 3 | Sylvester Stallone, | Jason Statham Patrick Hughes | 2014 | The Expendables 4 | - | Jason Statham, | 50 Cent Scott Waugh | 2023 | Das Experiment | - | Moritz Bleibtreu, | Andrea Sawatzki Oliver Hirschbiegel | 2001 | Explosiv - Blown Away | Blown Away | Tommy Lee Jones, | Jeff Bridges Stephen Hopkins | 1994 | Extinction | Extinction | Lizzy Caplan, | Michael Pena Ben Younger | Extrablatt | The Front Page | Jack Lemmon, | Walter Matthau Billy Wilder | 1974 | Extrawurst | - | Hape Kerkeling, | Christoph Maria Herbst Marcus H. Rosenmüller | Extrem laut und unglaublich nah | Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close | Tom Hanks, | Sandra Bullock Stephen Daldry | 2011 | Extrem | Extreme Measures | Hugh Grant, | Gene Hackman Michael Apted | 1996 | Extreme Ops | Extreme Ops | Bridget Fonda, | Heino Ferch Christian Duguay | 2002 | Extreme Rage | A Man Apart | Vin Diesel, | Larenz Tate F. Gary Gray | 2003 | Ey Mann - wo is' mein Auto? | Dude, Where's My Car | Ashton Kutcher, | Jennifer Garner Danny Leiner | 2000 | The Eye | The Eye | Jessica Alba, | Parker Posey David Moreau, Xavier Palud | 2008 | Eye For An Eye - Auge um Auge | Eye For An Eye | Sally Field, | Ed Harris John Schlesinger | 1995 | The Eyes Of Tammy Faye | The Eyes Of Tammy Faye | Jessica Chastain, | Andrew Garfield Michael Showalter | 2021 | Eyes Wide Shut | Eyes Wide Shut | Tom Cruise, | Nicole Kidman Stanley Kubrick | 1999 | Eyjafjallojökull - Der unaussprechliche Vulkanfilm | Eyjafjallojökull | Dany Boon, | Valerie Bonneton Alexandre Coffre | 2013 | Eyyvah Eyvah 2 | Eyyvah Eyvah 2 | Demet Akbag, | Ata Demirer Hakan Algül | 2010 | Ezra - Eine Familiengeschichte | Ezra | Bobby Cannavale, | William Fitzgerald Tony Goldwyn | 2023 | |
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